Happy Monday!
Today we are especially lucky to have these hand illustrated images by Peyton's Great Aunt, Elisabeth Cates Collins, during her studies in Parson's through the mid 1920's to early 30's.
We are particularly smitten by these illustrated portraits that reflect all of the visual nods to Art Deco. There is great richness in their simplistic geometric shapes and use of color.
In addition to portraits, we are also in awe of Mizz. Collin's (as I imagine I would call her) collection of pattern work. It's very interesting to see artistic talent continue on through the generations, as we already know of Peyton's love for patterns.
Clearly long before the age of the computer, these patterns were repeated by hand with such exquisite craftsmanship and accuracy. It would be a great exercise to return to this method of practice from time to time!