The majority of us spend our working hours with noses pressed to a computer, smart phone, or tablet screen. We hardly notice the hours piling up. Eyes and minds need relief from the over energizing activity these devices produce. If you find that your schedule doesn’t allow for a quick stroll outside, or even a lunch break, there are innovative ways to create a stimulating working environment. We pulled together some images of creative work studios and little finds, that inspire us in our new studio, and will possibly inspire you to take a visual and mental break!
Pops of color provide stimulation and detract from unavoidable clutter - image Blood & Champagne.
More pops of color for craft room & home offices - images from Houzz.
Or perhaps you prefer a more clean look of black and white - Designspiration.
Loving the industrial office design over at Bash, Please.
A chalkboard wall is great way to involve co-workers to take part in daily design and inspiration. We're also big on mood boards. Last but certainly not least, check out the offices of Etsy. You can almost feel the creative energy through these images - as seen in